How to Keep Your Lash Extensions Longer | Lash Extesions | Austin, TX

Dolce Blu wants all of our customers to have beautiful, healthy, and easy to maintain lashes in Austin, TX. One of our most popular services includes lash extensions. Lash extensions are an easy way to enhance your natural beauty and cut down on your get ready time in the morning. The most important thing you can do, however, is making sure that you are properly maintaining your eyelash extensions. Here are 3 things to do to get the most mileage out of your lash extensions.

1. Be Gentle With Your Eyes

A lot of people have a nasty habit of playing with their eyelashes or rubbing their eyes whether you're conscious of it or not. Make sure that you're mindful when you're touching your eyes so that you don't prematurely lose the extensions.

2. ALWAYS Remove Make-up

No matter how tired you are, make sure that you always remove your eye makeup before you go to bed. Mascara and other harsh makeup can severely decrease the life of your lash extension, so make sure you get that eye makeup remover and take off your eye makeup.

3. Get Regular Maintenance

You should be conscious of when you need to set an appointment to get fillings for your lash extensions. Not only does the appointment replenish the lashes you lost, you'll see the technician regularly to make sure that your extensions are getting the proper care they need.

Need More Help?

Dolce Blu is ranked the best eyelash studio service in Austin, Texas. We work in all things eyes including eyelash extensions, lash/brow tinting, eyebrow waxing, micro-blading, and lash lifts/lash perms. Our eyelash stylists are highly trained, honest, and care about promoting healthy natural lashes. We believe that beautiful lashes are for all women. We provide a great “all things eyes” service that is relaxing, stress-free and has you feeling more confident and beautiful than when you came in. Contact us today!
